NaviSite: Woking UK Data Center
NaviSite Woking UK Data Center is located at Goldsworth Park Trading Estate, Kestrel Way, Woking, UK. The gross building size for this location has not been provided. There is a total of 17728 sqft in raised floor space for colocation. It has access to 3.44 MW of power. We found 191 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. No certifications are specified for this location.
Bare Metal
Internet Exchange
On Map
About Woking UK Data Center
Navisite offers a network of data centers that provide world-class hosting infrastructure for internal IT or commercial cloud enablement. More than ever before, enterprises need new and smart ways to rapidly deploy and efficiently manage their mission-critical IT infrastructure. Navisite is a premiere managed hosting provider offering fully monitored and managed IT infrastructure and applications in highly secure traditional or cloud-enabled environments.
3440kW with N+N configuration
Optimized free cooling chilled water N+2 plant, direct steam injection from AHU’s, temperature range control - 22 +/-2oC measured at DFU supply air and 30%RH to 70%RH measured at DFU supply air
Diverse routes into site with 2 Meet Me Rooms on opposite sides of the building and Border Gateway Protocol with full Internet table routes to ensure dynamic re-routing of data
Physical Security
Dual authentication required for access to the data center and 7x24x365 video surveillance /recording for inside the building.