BGP Hijacking: Understanding, Mitigation, and Best Practices

24 Jan 2024 by Development

In today's interconnected world, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) plays a vital role in routing internet traffic between networks. However, BGP hijacking poses a significant threat to the stability and security of the internet.

In this blog post, we will delve into what BGP hijacking is, how it works, and provide valuable tips and best practices for businesses to avoid falling victim to this malicious activity.

What is BGP Hijacking?

BGP hijacking, also referred to as prefix hijacking or route hijacking, is a technique employed by malicious actors to manipulate the flow of internet traffic. These unauthorized parties announce false routing information, leading network routers to believe that the announced routes are legitimate and should be followed. By doing so, the attackers divert traffic intended for a specific destination to an alternative location under their control.

In practical terms, BGP hijacking can be understood as a deceptive practice that reroutes network traffic without the knowledge or consent of the entities involved. For example, if an attacker successfully executes a BGP hijack, they can intercept and redirect traffic that was originally meant to reach a particular website or service to their own infrastructure. This enables them to monitor, tamper with, or even steal sensitive data, compromising the security and privacy of users.

The impact of BGP hijacking can be significant, as it can disrupt the availability of services, compromise the integrity of data transmitted over the hijacked routes, and undermine trust in the internet's routing infrastructure. Detecting and mitigating BGP hijacks is a challenging task due to the complex nature of the global internet routing system. 

Implementing robust security measures, such as route filtering, route origin validation, and regular monitoring, can help organizations protect themselves against the risks associated with BGP hijacking.

How does BGP Hijacking Work?

BGP hijacking exploits vulnerabilities in the BGP protocol, which is responsible for exchanging routing information between different Autonomous Systems (AS). Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how BGP hijacking works:

Initial Advertisement

BGP hijacking is a malicious technique where an attacker manipulates the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to redirect internet traffic towards their own network. In this method, the attacker advertises fraudulent BGP routes that contain the target's IP prefixes to an upstream router or peer. By doing so, they can attract traffic intended for the target's network. 

To make their announcement more appealing, the attacker often includes more specific routes, making it seem like their network is the most efficient route for the traffic. This deceptive tactic allows the attacker to intercept and potentially manipulate the data being transmitted. BGP hijacking poses a significant threat to network security and highlights the importance of implementing proper safeguards to prevent such attacks.


When BGP hijacking occurs, the fraudulent routes spread throughout the BGP network, eventually reaching routers that trust and rely on the advertised information. These routers update their routing tables based on the hijacked routes they receive, unknowingly directing traffic towards the attacker's network instead of the legitimate destination. This propagation of fake routes can have far-reaching consequences, as it affects not only the immediate routers but also impacts the entire network infrastructure. 

The hijacker effectively gains control over the flow of traffic, potentially intercepting or manipulating sensitive data. This highlights the urgency for network administrators to implement robust security measures and employ mechanisms that can detect and mitigate BGP hijacking attempts to safeguard the integrity and reliability of their networks.

Traffic Diversion

In the case of BGP hijacking, the attacker reroutes legitimate traffic that is originally intended for the target's IP address to their own network. This redirection is achieved by advertising fraudulent BGP routes containing the target's IP prefixes, as mentioned earlier. Once the traffic is diverted to the attacker's network, they gain the ability to intercept, monitor, or even tamper with the data being transmitted. 

This poses a significant risk as sensitive information, such as personal data or confidential communications, can be compromised. The attacker may exploit this access to conduct various malicious activities, including eavesdropping, data theft, or injecting malware into the traffic stream. It underscores the critical need for robust security measures and vigilant network monitoring to detect and mitigate BGP hijacking attempts, thereby protecting against potential data breaches and unauthorized access.


In order to maintain their deceptive activities, BGP hijackers employ various tactics to hide their actions and make detection and mitigation challenging. One of these tactics involves filtering or modifying traffic to obscure their presence. By selectively filtering certain packets or modifying their contents, the hijackers can attempt to evade detection by network monitoring systems. They may also employ techniques such as IP prefix hijacking, where they manipulate the BGP announcements to appear as a legitimate route for the traffic they are intercepting. 

This makes it difficult for network administrators to differentiate between legitimate and hijacked traffic. Additionally, hijackers may use encryption or other obfuscation methods to further mask their activities. These measures highlight the evolving nature of BGP hijacking and the need for advanced network monitoring tools, comprehensive security protocols, and continuous vigilance to effectively detect and mitigate these deceptive practices.

Tips and Best Practices to Avoid BGP Hijacking

Businesses can mitigate the risk of falling victim to BGP hijacking by implementing the following tips and best practices:

Route Filtering

Employ strict filtering policies to only accept BGP route advertisements from known, trusted sources. Implement prefix filters to discard any unauthorized or suspicious route announcements.

Utilize Route Origin Validation (ROV)

ROV is a technique that allows network operators to verify the legitimacy of BGP route advertisements. By using Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), businesses can validate routes based on cryptographic signatures, reducing the risk of accepting bogus routes.

Implement Route Control and Monitoring Systems

Deploy tools and systems that provide real-time monitoring and analysis of BGP routing data. These systems can identify abnormal routing changes, inconsistencies, or unauthorized route announcements, enabling prompt action to be taken.

Establish BGP Peering Agreements

Engage in trusted peering relationships with reliable network providers. Establishing mutual agreements and security policies can help prevent unauthorized route advertisements between peers.

Encrypt BGP Sessions

Secure your BGP sessions by implementing Transport Layer Security (TLS) or IPsec to encrypt the information exchanged between routers. This helps ensure the integrity and privacy of the BGP communication.

Regularly Update Router Firmware

Keep your network infrastructure up to date with the latest firmware, security patches, and BGP implementation best practices. Regularly review and apply updates provided by router vendors to address known vulnerabilities.


BGP hijacking continues to pose a significant threat to internet infrastructure and can have severe consequences for businesses. This malicious practice takes advantage of the trusting nature of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is responsible for routing internet traffic. By exploiting vulnerabilities in BGP, attackers can reroute legitimate traffic to their own networks, intercepting and potentially tampering with sensitive information.  

By gaining a deep understanding of how BGP hijacking works and implementing the recommended tips and best practices, organizations can significantly fortify their network security posture and minimize the risk of falling victim to this malicious activity. By adopting these proactive measures, organizations can enhance their network resilience, safeguard critical data, and maintain the trust of their customers and partners.

Constant vigilance, proactive monitoring, and collaboration within the networking community are crucial elements in minimizing the impact of BGP hijacking and ensuring the stability and security of the internet. By remaining vigilant and staying aware of the evolving tactics employed by hijackers, network administrators can detect and respond to hijacking incidents promptly. Proactive monitoring of BGP routing tables, traffic patterns, and anomalies is essential to identify any suspicious activity and mitigate potential threats. 

Collaboration among network operators, ISPs, and cybersecurity organizations is also vital for sharing information, best practices, and threat intelligence related to BGP hijacking. This collaborative effort allows for the swift dissemination of knowledge and the development of effective countermeasures. Furthermore, actively participating in industry forums, conferences, and working groups focused on BGP security enables the community to collectively address challenges and develop standardized solutions. 

We can keep the internet safe for everyone by always watching out for problems, checking for issues before they happen, and working together. This will help us prevent BGP hijacking and make sure that the internet is secure for all users.

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