"Cisco, the Networking Giant (that probably could of announced this program a while ago) has unveiled what the company is calling ""significant innovations"" to its Unified Computer Services (UCS) program this week.
Artist Rendering of Cisco's Newest UCS Rack
The sheer vastness of Cisco and it being a household name has had some companies reaching out to Cisco to update their UCS program. The new program and innovations in the servers, specifically for datacenters promises to new market segments, and avail itself with the new UCS Mini Modular System for small enterprise.
According to Paul Perez, vice president and general manager at Cisco UCS:
""Rapid changes in the way applications are architected and delivered are being driven by the demands of big data, the Internet of Everything, mobility, video and cloud'¦we are in a new world where data sets and application scale are rapidly growing, and the opportunities for businesses to capitalize on the deeper intelligence Relevant Products/Services and faster decisions they afford are really taking off.""
Cisco is also expanding its current UCS portfolio to offer more power and scalability for data Relevant Products/Services center Relevant Products/Services workloads. The company unveiled new fourth-generation UCS rack and blade servers for application performance and new UCS Director solutions to manage big data infrastructure Relevant Products/Services workloads.
Cisco's continued sustained growth also has customers and shareholders a like content as the company has the largest growth in the industry in the past 4 cumulative quarters, starting with the first quarter of 2014. In fact, the company boasts a 39% cumulative growth, and shows no signs of slowing down.
When other server company's growth have all but flat-lined, Cisco seems immune to what's going on in the economy, with Cisco continuing to diversify, especially with the news of innovations coming to its Unified Computer Servers.
According to industry analyst: Zeus Kerravala at ZK Research has this to say about the new products:
""A lot of the industry has been pointing to Cisco's networking business and saying it's long overdue for commoditization but Cisco has historically managed to stave it off because they find ways to differentiate and UCS is a good example of it'¦every other server manufacturer faced commoditization for years and then Cisco came in with something different."""