Cloud Expo 2014 NYC June 10-12

19 Feb 2014 by Technology

"SYS-CON's Cloud Expo, held each year in California, New York, Prague, Tokyo, and Hong Kong is the world's leading Cloud event in its 6th year, larger than all other Cloud events put together.

Speakers from Netflix to Skynet to a few celebrity chefs!

LEARN exactly why cloud computing is relevant today from an economic, business and technology standpoint.

HEAR first-hand from industry experts what issues and questions you should consider when evaluating cloud-based systems.

SEE what the potential benefits - and pitfalls - are of moving to the cloud.

DISCOVER what to look for in a cloud computing provider to ensure the security of your data and applications.

FIND OUT how to transform a traditional data center that is less flexible and costly to a cloud computing environment that is secure, virtualized and automated.

MASTER how to improve business agility while lowering operating and capital costs within the enterprise.

LEARN what works, what doesn't, and what's next.

Registration deals going on now!

Check back for more information on and GCG's annual Global Expo August 20th & 21st!"

Author Technology is the fastest and easiest way for businesses to find and compare solutions from the world's leading providers of Cloud, Bare Metal, and Colocation. We offer customizable RFPs, instant multicloud and bare metal deployments, and free consultations from our team of technology experts. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, we are committed to helping businesses find the right provider for their unique needs. 


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