How Bare Metal IaaS Prioritizes the Developer Experience

10 Jul 2023 by Development

When it comes to DevOps tools, the developer is the customer. The value of the tool lies solely in its ability to make life easier for dev teams. As a result, vendors are now focusing on features that make it easier for developers to streamline their workflow. 

Tools such as automated provisioning, configuration, deployment, and testing are commonplace. Companies are also offering integrations with popular development frameworks and IDEs, so that developers can access their tools directly from the same environment they are coding in.  

Additionally, IT teams are now being provided with more intuitive interfaces and better analytics, which help them better understand the performance of their applications. Many vendors are even offering 24/7 support to help developers quickly get up and running with their tools.  

There’s no shortage of tools available to make a developer’s life a little easier. The question smart developers are asking right now is, which type of deployments allow dev teams the ability to squeeze the most value out of all of these available tools? 

In the article below, we’ll review all of the ways in which bare metal deployments help to bring the developer experience to the front of the line. 

Version Control

Version control systems (VCS) like Git make it easy to track changes and collaborate with other developers. Simply put, VCS are a tool that allow software teams to manage changes to their code over time.  It allows them to take snapshots of their code and track the changes made to it, usually by several different team members. Committing and pushing code to a repository helps to ensure that the code is always up-to-date and that everyone on the team is on the same page.  

Bare metal solutions eliminate the excessive overhead of running a VCS on a virtualized environment. This allows teams to get the most out of their VCS by improving the performance of the system and enabling faster development cycles. 

Additionally, bare metal deployments provide better security, since the system is not reliant on any external infrastructure. This reduces the risk of malicious attacks and data breaches, which are common on both public clouds and private clouds.  


Automation tools such as Ansible and Puppet make it easy to deploy and manage applications across multiple servers. Automation eliminates the need for tedious manual tasks and ensures that deployments are consistent and repeatable across operating systems. This saves time and reduces errors, allowing developers to focus on the code instead of worrying about the deployment process.  

Automation tools require scalability in order to run efficiently, especially when machine learning solutions are being utilized. An infrastructure as a service solution provides more scalability than virtualized environments since they are not limited by the overhead of virtual machines. This makes it much easier to scale up or down whenever the need arises.   

Additionally, Bare metal deployments are generally more cost-efficient than virtualized environments. Once a bare metal server is deployed in a data center, it usually doesn’t require  any additional hardware or software which saves businesses money in the long run.  

Continuous Integration and Deployment

CI/CD tools like Jenkins and Travis CI make it easy to automate the process of testing, building, and deploying code. Automating the CI/CD process ensures that code is always tested and deployed quickly and reliably, saving time and reducing errors.  

High performance bare metal deployments provide complete control over the hardware and software running on the environment. This allows for better configuration and maintenance of the environment. Running CI/CD tools on virtualized solutions instead of bare metal deployments can result in degraded performance due to the overhead associated with virtualized solutions. The stability and performance of these solutions are essential for ensuring that CI/CD pipelines are efficient and reliable. 


Containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes make it easy to package and deploy applications in a lightweight, portable format. By running applications in containers, developers can ensure that their application runs consistently across different environments. 

Containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes are best run on bare metal deployments for several reasons. First, bare metal deployments provide better performance than virtualized environments.  

Containers offer an agile alternative to virtual machines but suffer from inefficiencies when running in virtual servers due to the overhead of the hypervisor. With bare metal, the containers are running directly on the hardware and can take advantage of all available resources, leading to better performance.  

Second, running containers on bare metal provides increases security. Containers can be isolated on their own hardware and can be set up with appropriate security measures to ensure that they are only accessible to authorized users. This provides an extra layer of security compared to virtualized environments, where the environment is shared with other applications.  

Finally, running containers on bare metal allows for greater scalability. By running containers on separate hardware, they can be scaled independently of each other, allowing for greater flexibility in scaling up or down. As the number of containers running increases, they can be easily added or removed with minimal configuration changes, making it easier to scale up or down as needed.  

Secure Cloud Infrastructure with

When it comes to getting ahead of your competition and launching into new markets quickly and effectively, speed is key. Grow or reduce server capacity with no fixed costs or upfront obligations with the's IaaS Bare Metal platform. 

Seamlessly choose to add or remove servers whenever you need to, no matter the region. A single click is all it takes to increase your market reach and conquer new frontiers. Add or remove servers as needed to meet customer demand, handle peak load times, or react to international markets in an instant. 

Bridge the gap between regions with ease by connecting cost effective servers both in private and public clouds. Eliminate the hassle of integrating multiple platformsand craft a unique and bespoke solution specifically designed for your business.  


In closing, these are just some of the ways that DevOps tools have enhanced the development experience. With bare metal IaaS solutions, developers can unify their workflow, increase efficiency and scalability, and improve communication. These changes can make a huge difference for any organization looking to take their DevOps practices to the next level.  

That's why we highly recommend taking a few minutes to customize your own bare metal solution in minutes or reach out to our technology experts for additional guidance - all provided free of charge!  

Ultimately, no matter what your goals are with DevOps tools and solutions, the best route is always to keep up with industry advances and find new ways to leverage the many possibilities available - from configuring CI/CD pipes to optimizing automated workflows. 

Author Development provides consulting and engineering support around colocation, bare metal, and Infrastructure as a service for AI companies. has developed a platform for Datacenter Colocation providers to compete for your business. It takes just 2-3 minutes to create and submit a customized colocation project that will automatically engage you and your business with the industry leading datacenter providers in the world. provides a platform to view and research all the datacenter locations and compare and analyze the different attributes of each datacenter. Check out our Colocation Marketplace to view pricing from top colocation providers or connect with our concierge team for a free consultation.


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