How to Evaluate Bare Metal IaaS Deployments

6 Dec 2023 by Bare Metal

In the realm of cloud computing, bare metal IaaS deployments have emerged as a powerful alternative to traditional virtualization. Unlike virtual machines running on shared hardware, bare metal provides organizations with dedicated physical servers, offering enhanced performance, scalability, and security.  

However, it is essential for companies to evaluate how effectively they are utilizing their bare metal deployments to maximize efficiency and achieve optimal results. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of bare metal deployments, explore their benefits, and provide valuable insights on evaluating their utilization. 

Understanding Bare Metal Deployments 

Bare metal Infrastructure as a Service refers to physical servers that are not virtualized or partitioned. In other words, it is the traditional approach to server deployment where an organization has exclusive access to the underlying hardware.  

With bare metal deployments, organizations can fully harness the potential of the hardware without any overhead from virtualization layers or resource sharing. This direct access to the server allows for high performance, reliability, and flexibility in customizing the server configuration to meet specific requirements. 

Bare metal deployments provides several advantages over traditional virtualization: 


Bare metal deployments leverage the raw power of dedicated hardware, eliminating the overhead associated with virtualization. This direct access to the physical hardware enables organizations to achieve exceptional levels of performance, making it an ideal choice for resource-intensive workloads.

Whether it's big data analytics, AI, or machine learning, these demanding applications require substantial computing power and low latency. By eliminating the virtualization layer, bare metal deployments maximize computational resources, ensuring that these workloads can run at peak performance.

Using special hardware can make bare metal deployments a great option for organizations that want to have better performance and be able to do more with their data.

Isolation and Security 

By utilizing dedicated physical servers, IaaS deployments offer a high level of robust isolation between different workloads. This means that organizations can guarantee that sensitive data remains secure and isolated from other applications that may be sharing the same infrastructure.

With bare metal deployments, there is no virtualization layer, eliminating the risk of "noisy neighbor" issues or performance degradation caused by resource contention. Each workload runs on its own dedicated hardware, providing enhanced security and privacy. This level of isolation is particularly important for industries such as finance, healthcare, and government, where data protection and confidentiality are of utmost importance.

IaaS offers a reliable and secure solution for organizations looking to maintain strict control over their data and ensure maximum privacy.

Flexibility and Scalability 

Bare metal deployments offer organizations a high level of flexibility when it comes to customization and configuration. In virtualized environments, different computers share the same resources. With a bare metal deployment, you get your own special hardware that can be adjusted to fit your exact needs.

This level of customization allows organizations to optimize the server environment for their applications, resulting in improved application performance and efficiency. Organizations can choose the parts for their server and decide how to set it up, including what operating system and software they use. They have complete control over all of these decisions.

Having flexibility allows the organization to have the infrastructure that fits its needs. This helps them work better and faster. Also, bare metal deployments can quickly adjust resources depending on how much people need - this helps the organization keep growing without making things slower.

Evaluating Bare Metal Utilization 

To determine how well an organization is utilizing its bare metal solution, consider the following suggestions: 

Resource Monitoring 

It is important to measure how much CPU, memory, disk I/O and network bandwidth are used for optimal performance of the bare metal infrastructure. This will help you understand if we have enough resources and if any problems with the system are slowing it down.

By constantly monitoring these metrics, organizations can identify potential issues, proactively address them, and optimize resource allocation to ensure smooth operation. This proactive approach helps in maintaining high performance levels, improving efficiency, and minimizing downtime. 

Workload Analysis 

To ensure balanced resource utilization and improve efficiency, organizations should assess the distribution of workloads across their bare metal infrastructure. This involves identifying any servers that are underutilized or overburdened. By analyzing workload distribution, organizations can optimize workload placement to evenly distribute the workload and avoid bottlenecks.  

Implementing workload orchestration tools can automate workload distribution, making it easier to manage and optimize the allocation of resources. By leveraging these tools, organizations can achieve better workload balance, improve overall performance, and maximize the utilization of their bare metal infrastructure. 

Performance Benchmarking 

When it comes to bare metal deployments, companies should conduct regular performance benchmarking tests to establish baseline performance metrics. These tests help determine the optimal performance levels that can be achieved with the current infrastructure setup. By comparing current performance against these benchmarks, organizations can identify areas for improvement.  

This includes fine-tuning application configurations or adjusting resource allocations to optimize performance. Comparing your business to others can give you important information about how well your infrastructure is working. This helps you make smart decisions that will help your business use its technology more efficiently and effectively.

Capacity Planning 

Companies should evaluate future growth projections and analyze whether their existing infrastructure can accommodate anticipated demands. This involves forecasting resource requirements and considering factors such as workload scalability, increasing user volumes, and new feature deployments.  

Organizations can use this analysis to make sure their infrastructure can handle more work. This will help them plan for the future so they have enough resources and their performance isn't affected. They may need to get more resources or upgrade the existing ones to meet the demand.

By evaluating future growth projections, companies can make informed decisions to ensure that their bare metal deployments are prepared for upcoming challenges. 

Cost Analysis 

Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the bare metal deployment. Consider the total cost of ownership (TCO) in comparison to the performance gains achieved. Assess whether consolidating workloads or adopting a hybrid approach (combining bare metal and virtualization) could lead to potential cost savings. 


Bare metal deployments offer organizations a powerful alternative for high-performance computing, security, and scalability. However, it is crucial for companies to regularly assess and evaluate how effectively they are utilizing their bare metal solutions.  

By monitoring resource utilization, analyzing workloads, benchmarking performance, planning for capacity, and conducting cost analysis, organizations can optimize their bare metal deployments to maximize efficiency and achieve their strategic goals. 

Remember, continuous evaluation and optimization are key to unlocking the full potential of bare metal deployments and staying ahead in today's competitive landscape. 

Author Bare Metal provides consulting and engineering support around bare metal and has developed a platform for bare metal solutions from the leading data center bare metal providers. In just 2-3 minutes you can create and submit a customized bare metal RFP that will automatically engage you and your business with the industry leading bare metal providers in the world.


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