Overcoming 5 Common Security Issues in Cloud Computing

2 Aug 2022 by Datacenters.com Multicloud

Cloud computing has been adopted by virtually every company, albeit to varying degrees, for use inside their operations. On the other hand, increased adoption of cloud computing makes it necessary to ensure that the organization's cloud security plan is adequate to protect against the most significant dangers posed to cloud security.

Here are five of the most common security issues in cloud computing and how multi-cloud solutions can help resolve them.

Issue #1: Misconfiguration

The most common cause of cloud data breaches is still misconfiguration. According to a recent analysis, human error was responsible for 88% of all data breaches in 2020.

As a result, IT operations workers must receive support and training, and defense teams must be well-versed in cloud computing. Monitoring for typical misconfigurations, including storage bucket concerns, using cloud-native technologies can also be beneficial.

Issue #2: Data Breaches

The cloud has been blamed for several recent data breaches.

In the event of a data breach, a company's reputation, financial stability, and market value can all get ruined, resulting in an irreparable loss of value.

A good and well-tested incident response plan can help firms in this area, as can an understanding of the value and effect of their data.

Issue #3: Encryption

Encryption does not prevent breaches per se, but it adds an extra assurance that data will not be easily compromised if there are any threats. This feature is merely an additional layer of protection, but it plays an important part in multicloud security. You can determine cloud storage buckets' encryption status with the help of automated programs.

Ultimately, it is in everyone's best interest to use encryption for data stored in the cloud by default.

Issue #4: Insufficient Cloud-based Architecture and Strategy for Security

Too many companies are rushing toward the cloud without establishing a solid foundation in design and strategy. Customers considering moving to the cloud need to know what risks they are taking, how to do it safely, and how the shared responsibility model works. Customers risk financial losses, reputational damage, and legal and compliance difficulties if they do not plan.

As a result, firms can and should ensure that their security architecture aligns with their business goals and establish and apply a security architectural framework.

Issue #5: Insider Threats

Employees and others working on an organization's network pose various dangers, not just those linked with the cloud. Employees, contractors, and partners, whether negligent or malicious, can lead to data loss, system outages, diminished customer trust, and data breaches.

It is necessary to manage consumer accountability, insider threats involving leaked or stolen data, credential issues, human errors, and cloud misconfigurations, among other things. Moreover, companies must undergo security awareness training, fix cloud servers that have gotten misconfigured, and restrict access to important systems to protect themselves from cyberattacks.


While the cloud has many benefits, risks, and concerns, traditional security technologies and tactics cannot usually secure cloud-based infrastructure effectively since it differs significantly from an on-premises data center.

You may have the best of both worlds by implementing a comprehensive and unified security strategy for hybrid and multi-vendor cloud environments. This option will allow you to have a secure cloud environment that is easy to construct, administer, and maintain.


Datacenters.com Multicloud

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