Top Colocation Innovations of the Year, So Far

27 Jul 2023 by Colocation

It’s been an exciting year so far for the colocation industry. With advancements in IT and data center infrastructure, businesses are now able to access more efficient and cost-effective resources than ever before.  

Whether it's a new application of AI or a more advanced security systems, these innovations are paving the way for better operational efficiency within data centers all over the world. In this blog post, we will be taking a look at some of the top colocation innovations of 2023 thus far as well as what they mean for enterprises looking to take advantage of improved facility capabilities.  

Read on to learn more! 

What Exactly is Colocation?  

Colocation, in the context of data centers, is a service where businesses rent space for servers and other computing hardware. Instead of keeping servers in-house, in private data centers, or at a private location, companies can choose to 'co-locate' their equipment by renting space in a colocation center.  

The colocation provider then provides and manages infrastructure services like power, cooling, physical security and internet uplink. This allows the businesses to focus on their core competencies while the colocation provider takes care of the data center's infrastructure.  

Data center colocation offers the benefits of advanced infrastructure and economies of scale that most businesses cannot achieve on their own. 

Bleeding Edge Colocation Innovations 

In recent years, the colocation sector has witnessed a surge in technological innovations, which have significantly enhanced efficiency and productivity. These innovations not only streamline operations but also increase reliability and uptime, contributing to an overall boost in productivity in the colocation sector. 

AI and Machine Learning  

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in colocation data centers has marked a significant stride towards optimizing energy use and enhancing overall operational efficiency. These technologies have revolutionized the way energy is consumed and managed, paving the way for smart grids and automated energy systems.  

AI and ML algorithms can predict energy consumption patterns, identify inefficiencies, and suggest corrective measures, thereby reducing wastage and conserving energy. Advanced monitoring and management tools, powered by AI, have revolutionized the way we manage and maintain complex infrastructures. These cutting-edge technologies provide real-time visibility into the system, allowing for efficient tracking of all operational components. 

With this level of insight, potential issues can be identified promptly, often even before they become problematic. This proactive approach to system management not only minimizes downtime but also enhances overall system performance and reliability. 

Cooling Technologies 

The colocation industry is undergoing a significant transformation, thanks to the advent of new and innovative cooling technologies. Enterprise data centers are among the largest consumers of energy, with cooling systems accounting for a significant portion of this consumption. However, recent innovations such as liquid immersion cooling, rear door heat exchangers, and AI-driven thermal optimization are revolutionizing the industry.  

Liquid immersion cooling, where servers are immersed in a bath of dielectric coolant, offers a highly efficient and space-saving solution. Rear door heat exchangers, on the other hand, remove heat at the source, thereby mitigating the need for traditional, energy-intensive cooling methods. Furthermore, the application of AI in managing and optimizing these cooling systems can lead to significant energy savings while maintaining optimal operating conditions.  

These advancements are not only improving efficiency and reducing operational costs at colocation facilities but also making colocation services more sustainable and environmentally friendly.  

“Green” Colocation Services 

Green colocation has become increasingly popular as of late, with many service providers taking significant steps towards a truly sustainable and eco-friendly environment. Renewable energy sources have been introduced, converting them away from the traditional fossil fuels of the past and positioning them squarely into benefit green initiatives.  

Cooling systems are also being given an overhaul to focus on increased efficiency and productivity, as part of their dedication to sustainability across their services. Increasingly, these green practices have now become universal for colocation service providers preparing for a future in which environmental policies carve out the limits of corporations trying to balance long term objectives along with practical short-term feedback. 

Enhanced Data Center Security Measures 

Physical access to data centers is now subject to biometric security measures, such as fingerprints scans and facial recognition systems. These solutions offer an increased level of verification of users’ identity, delivering peace of mind for those safeguarding critical data. Fingerprint and facial scanning are simple ways for quickly verifying if the person accessing the data center has legitimate authorization to do so. 

Micro-segmentation is also on the uptick in many modern data centers. This practice involves chipping up a data center by dividing it into smaller parts or segments, then fortifying each one with its own finely designed security strategy. With this approach, intruders are thwarted from doing damage to multiple points across the network if an advanced breach is attempted on one of the segments. 

Decentralized Facilities 

Decentralized facilities, sometimes referred to as edge data centers, represent a new generation of technology that offers compute and storage capabilities in close proximity to the user. Compared to traditional data centers, these decentralized facilities are smaller scale in size, but possess the same reliable power and cooling infrastructure.  

As such, these facilities host a range of vital resources which can only be accessed with low latency. Edge data centers are being utilized by both large enterprises as well as small-medium businesses owners who harbor mission-critical data for their operations. 

Closing Thoughts 

To sum it up, we have seen a myriad of cutting edge innovation and technologies in the data center and colocation industry this year that are transforming the way enterprises are able to manage ore operationalize their businesses.  

From AI and machine learning being a larger part of operations, green colocation services entering more markets, enhanced security measures taken to protect against malicious actors, and a rise in edge data centers use, there is no limit as to how much more progress can be made in this space.  

As such, if you have not yet thought about how 2023's advances could help your business, now is the perfect time to explore the possibilities. The technology experts at are ready to help you through every step of the process.  

So don't hesitate to connect with professionals for a free consultation and an assurance that you’re connected with leading solution providers

Author Colocation provides consulting and engineering support around colocation and has developed a platform for Datacenter Colocation providers to compete for your business. It takes just 2-3 minutes to create and submit a customized colocation RFP that will automatically engage you and your business with the industry leading datacenter providers in the world. provides a platform to view and research all the datacenter locations and compare and analyze the different attributes of each datacenter. Check out our Colocation Marketplace to view pricing from top colocation providers.  


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